Friday, March 15, 2013


So, I don't normally do these things, but then Rachael tagged me, and I have a crush on her blog and I never post anymore, so here goes.

Five things about me.

1. I am loud. Like, if you asked someone to describe me, they'd probably start with how much my voice carries. It used to bother me, but now I just try to keep it down around new people, and I feel grateful that people always know how to find my house when the windows are open. (No, really.)
2. I am a lefty, and I'm secretly really proud of it. I always notice when other people are lefties, too.
3. I went to college to study mechanical engineering. I wanted to design racecars. Two years in, though, I realized that I hated it, so I took a year off from school. I nannied an amazing little girl, and when I got back to Dartmouth, I switched my major to psych. I've been working with kids since then.
4. I've had this blog since forever. It's kind of weird to go back through old posts (when I was 21, I spent a lot of time talking about homework), but it's a neat and sometimes hilarious way to remember what life was like back then.
5. When I was in high school, I worked on a farm. It changed everything, not just about how  I think about food and agriculture, but also how I viewed myself as part of a community. It was amazing.

No pressure, but Mel and Anna, I'm curious about your answers!

PS That picture of me up there was taken by Tricia Saxler, who I get to work with at her other job. It belongs to her. Don't steal it!
PPS I don't know why you'd steal it, but you know, trying to give credit where credit is due. . .
PPPS I think that reading things I wrote when I was 21 makes me write like I'm 21 again.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Snow Brunch

The snowstorm we're getting up and down the east coast is making me a little nostalgic for Nemo. Nobody had to work, and you weren't allowed to drive anywhere, so the logical thing to do (after making chicken and waffles, of course) was to have people over for Saturday brunch.


Liz and Chris hiked up to my house. Betsy snowshoed over. Mary and I walked from our respective bedrooms to the kitchen. 


There were sourdough waffles (I. am. obsessed.), and hot chocolate with as many mix-ins as I could find. I may or may not have licked whipped cream from the whisk.


And then we went sledding.

Monday, March 4, 2013

That Baby

Two weeks ago, I took a little vacation to the midwest. I planned my trip around a visit to St. Louis to visit my friends Lisa and Charlie and their new baby, Teddy. (I prefer to call him That Baby, but I'm not so sure Charlie understands the affectionate tone I use, so I'm trying to work on using his actual name.)

 That Family

It was so fun to get to spend the weekend with my friends, to eat barbecue, and to go to Teddy's christening (I'm his godmother!)

That Baby and His Mom

But the best part, by far, was witnessing just how much love there is for this little boy, both from his parents (who are already doing an amazing job), and from his extended family and friends.

That Baby and His Dad

It was such a treat to get to spend the weekend with them, even if they wouldn't let me take Teddy back to Boston. I guess that means I'll just have to go back to visit ASAP.

That Baby and Me