Monday, May 3, 2010


These past couple of days have been rough.

Nothing unmanageable, and most of the trouble has been my own doing,* but still. I am ready for life to go on an upswing again. Meanwhile, knew my mood perfectly today, and look what they played me:

This song, some farmer's market asparagus for dinner, and a little House Hunters International is starting to make me feel better already.

*Except the huge pipe explosion and subsequent boil water order for the entire metro Boston area, minus Cambridge. I had nothing to do with that.


  1. Awww I hope the next few days get better for you! Bake something delicious (that doesn't use water) or check out some new books from the library. {Those are two of the things I am going to do ASAP as soon as I am done with my last paper !!!!!} I can't imagine how much it sucks in Boston right now. At least you aren't UNDER water like the people in Tennessee. Or under an oil slick like the poor sea creatures.Gah, what is the world coming to ?!?
    On a happier note, I discovered this year and I LOVE it! and I also love your new layout and header!!!! I don't know when you changed it because I sadly usually read blogs the ugly way on GoogleReader...but it looks awesome.
    Finally, if you need some happy music (happy as in ridiculous) you need to go here and download Super Mash Bros. for free It seems sketchy but it will not virus your computer. both albums are awesome. You will not be sad after you blast the song D.G.A.F.L.Y.F. (from the old album) It is impossible.

  2. But now we have water! Yay!!

    and now its Tuesday and its sunny and not humid. It's looking up in Boston today.

  3. Hope you are feeling better soon!! At least the water is back to normal, thank god, and it's not a million degrees today.

  4. I clicked through from Rachel's blog only to find out that we have a lot in common already. :) I'm a Bostonian, miss the farmer's markets there, and LOVE house hunters no matter how young I am. Haha. Have a great day!

  5. oh no! sorry Abbie!! hope things are a bit better now!!

  6. Hey girl... hope things are looking up for you!


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