Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Well. Yesterday didn't exactly go as planned.
The plan was to have people over for waffles and mimosas, then go to Copley Square to cheer for our our friends who were running the marathon.
The conditions were perfect, so my friend Nat actually finished minutes before we got there. He ran the marathon in 2 hours and 40 minutes. He is a beast. We saw Emma turn onto Hereford, and she looked amazing.


Once Emma passed, we left our spot for a walkabout. My brunch friends all went back to Somerville while I walked around the Back Bay and went to my friend Christine's house to say hi. I was four blocks away from the finish line on my way to meet up with froworkers when I heard two booms. They weren't crazy loud, and my first thought was that they must have been a truck going over a bump or something. Then I saw a sea of people running towards me, and smoke rising in the air.

I spent the afternoon holed up at Christine's house on Beacon Street, watching the news and checking in with friends and family to make sure everyone was okay. All my people were fine. As I said on twitter, I'm so thankful for that, while also so sad that the same is not true of everyone's people.

I'm going to go for a nice long run along the Charles River today. It seems like the appropriate thing to do. Favorite running path in my favorite city? I think so.

The best view.


  1. oh my gosh. i can't believe you were there. and so close to the bombs. so glad you're safe

  2. I can't believe you were so close to it. I am so glad you are ok. I was almost going to go to the gym today, but decided a run around the city would be better for me too. These are good spaces.


  3. Glad to hear you're safe. We were all huddled around my computer at work watching the news. I still can't believe it.

  4. I wondered about you on Monday. So glad you and your people are safe and sound, and I'm praying for your much-loved city.

  5. this gave me chill bumps all over again. still can't believe how close you were, and so glad you are okay!

  6. Your blog so inspiring for me. Thanks for sharing knowledge.


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