Saturday, August 16, 2008

I may be homeless, but at least I'm homeless for a reason

Note: I wrote this on the plane from Boston to San Francisco yesterday. Now I'm here, crashing on my amazing friend Sinny's couch, looking for a place to live. Good times all around.

By the time my sizeable* readership lays eyes on this blog post, I will have landed in San Francisco.
Can I just take a moment to realize that this is the first time I have opened Microsoft Word since I graduated from college, since I wrote that unfortunate paper on the mating habits of songbirds in the course of eighteen hours?
Anyway, I guess I’ve talked a little bit about moving to San Francisco here, but I’ve never really gone into why, exactly, I thought it would be a good idea to pack up and move halfway across the country, leaving my family, boyfriend, and all familiar territory behind.
Ooh! There was just a call for a doctor on board and there were THREE! Luckily, all that happened was a flight attendant got a minor puncture wound. I saw it because, even though I’m not a doctor, I was sitting near two of them. I love being in the middle of all the excitement.
But anyway, as scary as moving across the country can be, and trust me, not knowing where I’m going to live or who I’ll be friends with**, I don’t really feel like I have a choice. I need to do this, to prove to myself that I can. I spend a lot of my life thinking about child development, and what is and isn’t appropriate. Learning to take care of myself far away from anything I know feels like a developmentally appropriate step in becoming the grownup I’m supposed to be. I’m terrified, but I’m also really excited. San Francisco is going to be my practice city. It’s completely new to me, and I’m going to get to figure it out on my own.
Postscript: I had In n’ Out as soon as we landed, and DAMN, the fast food is good in California.

* The thesaurus also suggested as synonyms for “large” the following: titanic, elephantine, mountainous, and economy-sized. While my readership (of approximately ten people) might be huge, it is not quite economy-sized.
**To be fair, I DO have friends in San Francisco. Wonderful, amazing friends who are letting me stay with them while I find an apartment.


  1. So Craigslist didn't work out for you? Anyway, Good luck!! I'll miss you next week when I'm home for my godmother's stepson's wedding!

  2. I've heard so much about In N Out and I can't wait to get to California to try it. Good luck in San Francisco!


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